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Bench is a concise and powerful MQTT protocol performance testing tool written with NanoSDK.


Note: bench tool isn't built by default, you can enable it via -DBUILD_BENCH=ON.

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja -DBUILD_BENCH=ON ..
$ Ninja

After the compilation, an executable file named nanomq_cli will be generated. Execute the following command to confirm that it can be used normally:

$ nanomq_cli
available tools:
   * pub
   * sub
   * conn
   * bench
   * nngproxy
   * nngcat
   * ddsproxy

Copyright 2022 EMQ Edge Computing Team
$ nanomq_cli bench
Usage: nanomq_cli bench { pub | sub | conn } [--help]

The output of the above content proves that bench has been correctly compiled.


There are three subcommands of bench:

  1. pub: used to create a large number of clients to perform the operation of publishing messages.
  2. sub: Used to create a large number of clients to subscribe to topics and receive messages.
  3. conn: used to create a large number of connections.


When executing nanomq_cli bench pub --help, you will get the available parameter output.

ParameterabbreviationOptional valueDefault valueDescription
--host-h-localhostAddress of the MQTT server to connect
--port-p-1883MQTT service port
--version-V3 4 55MQTT protocol version used
--count-c-200Total number of clients
--interval-i-10Interval to create a client; unit: ms
--interval_of_msg-I-1000Interval to publish a message
--username-u-None; optionalClient username
--password-P-None; optionalClient password
--topic-t-None; requiredPublished topics
--size-s-256Message Payload size; unit: bytes
--qos-q-0Qos level
--retain-rtrue falsefalseWhether the message sets the Retain flag
--keepalive-k-300Client keepalive time
--clean-Ctrue falsetrueWhether to establish a connection by cleaning the session
--ssl-Strue falsefalseWhether to enable SSL
--certfile--NoneClient SSL certificate
--keyfile--NoneClient SSL key file
--ws-true falsefalseWhether to establish a connection via Websocket

For example, we start 10 connections and send 100 Qos0 messages to the topic t every second, where the size of each message payload is16 bytes:

$ nanomq_cli bench pub -t t -h nanomq-server -s 16 -q 0 -c 10 -I 10


Execute nanomq_cli bench sub --help to get all available parameters of this subcommand. Their explanations have been included in the table above and are omitted here.

For example, we start 500 connections, and each subscribes to the t topic with Qos0:

$ nanomq_cli bench sub -t t -h nanomq-server -c 500


Execute nanomq_cli bench conn --help to get all available parameters of this subcommand. Their explanations have been included in the table above and are omitted here.

For example, we start 1000 connections:

$ nanomq_cli bench conn -h nano-server -c 1000

SSL connection

bench supports establishing a secure SSL connection and performing tests.

One-way certificate:

$ nanomq_cli bench sub -c 100 -i 10 -t bench -p 8883 -S
$ nanomq_cli bench pub -c 100 -I 10 -t bench -p 8883 -s 256 -S

Two-way certificate:

$ nanomq_cli bench sub -c 100 -i 10 -t bench -p 8883 --certfile path/to/client-cert.pem --keyfile path/to/client-key.pem
$ nanomq_cli bench pub -c 100 -i 10 -t bench -s 256 -p 8883 --certfile path/to/client-cert.pem --keyfile path/to/client-key.pem