NanoMQ Broker provides HTTP APIs for integration with external systems, such as querying broker statistics information, clients information, subscribe topics information, and restart with new config file.
NanoMQ Broker's HTTP API service listens on port 8081 by default. You can modify the listening port through the configuration file of etc/nanomq.conf
. All API calls with api/v1
Interface security
NanoMQ Broker's HTTP API uses the method of Basic Authentication or JWT Authentication. The username
and password
must be filled. The default username
and password
are: admin/public
. You can modify username and password through the configuration file of etc/nanomq.conf
Response code
HTTP status codes
The NanoMQ Broker interface always returns 200 OK when the call is successful, and the response content is returned in JSON format.
The possible status codes are as follows:
Status Code | Description |
200 | Succeed, and the returned JSON data will provide more information |
400 | Invalid client request, such as wrong request body or parameters |
401 | Client authentication failed , maybe because of invalid authentication credentials |
404 | The requested path cannot be found or the requested object does not exist |
500 | An internal error occurred while the server was processing the request |
result codes
The response message body of the NanoMQ Broker interface is in JSON format, which always contains the returned code
The possible returned codes are as follows:
Return Code | Description |
0 | Succeed |
101 | RPC error |
102 | unknown mistake |
103 | wrong user name or password |
104 | Empty username or password |
105 | User does not exist |
106 | Administrator account cannot be deleted |
107 | Missing key request parameters |
108 | Request parameter error |
109 | Request parameters are not in legal JSON format |
110 | Plug-in is enabled |
111 | Plugin is closed |
112 | Client is offline |
113 | User already exists |
114 | Old password is wrong |
115 | Illegal subject |
116 | Token expired |
API Endpoints | POST /api/v1
Broker info
Returns the information of broker.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
req | Integer | Required | 2 | Request Code 2. |
seq | Integer | Required | unique | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
seq | Integer | The seq is a unique number, response get this value from request. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
rep | Integer | The rep equal 2 as response to req equal 2. |
data.client_size | Integer | Subscribe client size. |
data.message_in | Integer | Statistic broker message in. |
data.message_out | Integer | Statistic broker message out. |
data.message_drop | Integer | Statistic broker message dropped. |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v1" -d '{"req": 2,"seq": 1111111}'
Topic info
Returns the information of all subscribe topics with client identifier and qos.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
req | Integer | Required | 4 | Request Code 4. |
seq | Integer | Required | unique | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
seq | Integer | The seq is a unique number, response get this value from request. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
rep | Integer | The rep equal 4 as response to req equal 4. |
data[0].client_id | String | client identifier. |
data[0].subscriptions[0].topic | String | Subscribe topic. |
data[0].subscriptions[0].qos | Integer | Subscribe qos. |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v1" -d '{"req": 4,"seq": 1111111}'
Client info
Returns the information of all clients.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
req | Integer | Required | 5 | Request Code 5. |
seq | Integer | Required | unique | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
seq | Integer | The seq is a unique number, response get this value from request. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
rep | Integer | The rep equal 5 as response to req equal 5. |
data[0].client_id | String | client identifier. |
data[0].username | String | Username. |
data[0].keepalive | Integer | Keepalive. |
data[0].protocol | Integer | Protocol version. |
data[0].connect_status | Integer | Connected status. |
data[0].message_receive | Integer | Received message of this client. |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v1" -d '{"req": 5,"seq": 1111111}'
Get Configuration
Read all of configure parameters from broker.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
req | Integer | Required | 11 | Request Code 11. |
seq | Integer | Required | unique | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
seq | Integer | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
rep | Integer | The rep equal 11 as response to req equal 11. |
data.url | String | Url of listener. |
data.num_taskq_thread | Integer | Number of taskq threads used. |
data.max_taskq_thread | Integer | Maximum number of taskq threads used。 |
data.parallel | Long | Number of parallel. |
data.property_size | Integer | Max size for a MQTT property. |
data.msq_len | Integer | Queue length for resending messages. |
data.qos_duration | Integer | The interval of the qos timer. |
data.allow_anonymous | Boolean | Allow anonymous login. |
data.tls.enable | Boolean | Enable TLS listener. |
data.tls.url | String | URL of TLS listener. |
data.tls.key | String | User's private PEM-encoded key. |
data.tls.keypass | String | String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password-protected. |
data.tls.cert | String | User certificate data. |
data.tls.cacert | String | User's PEM-encoded CA certificates. |
data.tls.verify_peer | Boolean | Verify peer certificate. |
data.tls.fail_if_no_peer_cert | Boolean | Server will fail if the client does not have a certificate to send. |
data.websocket.enable | Boolean | Enable websocket listener. |
data.websocket.url | String | URL of websocket listener. |
data.websocket.tls_url | String | URL of TLS over websocket listerner. |
data.http_server.enable | Boolean | Enable http server listerner. |
data.http_server.port | Integer | Port of http server. |
data.http_server.username | String | User name of http server. |
data.http_server.password | String | Password of http server. |
data.bridge.bridge_mode | Boolean | Enter MQTT bridge mode . |
data.bridge.address | String | Remote Broker address. |
data.bridge.proto_ver | String | MQTT client version(3|4|5)。 |
data.bridge.clientid | String | MQTT client identifier. |
data.bridge.keepalive | Integer | Interval of keepalive. |
data.bridge.clean_start | Boolean | Clean seeson. |
data.bridge.parallel | Long | Parallel of mqtt client。 |
data.bridge.username | String | Login user name. |
data.bridge.password | String | Login password. |
data.bridge.forwards | Array[String] | Array of forward topics. |
data.bridge.forwards[0] | String | Topic. |
data.bridge.subscription | Array[Object] | Array of subscriptions. |
data.bridge.subscription[0].topic | String | Topic. |
data.bridge.subscription[0].qos | Integer | Qos. |
$ curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cHVibGlj' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"req": 11,
"seq": 9999
"code": 0,
"seq": 9999,
"rep": 11,
"data": {
"url": "nmq-tcp://",
"num_taskq_thread": 4,
"max_taskq_thread": 4,
"parallel": 32,
"property_size": 32,
"msq_len": 64,
"allow_anonymous": true,
"daemon": false,
"tls": {
"enable": false,
"url": "tls+nmq-tcp://",
"key_password": null,
"key": null,
"cert": null,
"cacert": null,
"verify_peer": false,
"fail_if_no_peer_cert": false
"websocket": {
"enable": true,
"url": "nmq-ws://",
"tls_url": "nmq-wss://"
"http_server": {
"enable": true,
"port": 8081,
"username": "admin",
"password": "public"
"bridge": {
"bridge_mode": false,
"address": "mqtt-tcp://",
"proto_ver": 4,
"clientid": "bridge_client",
"clean_start": true,
"username": "username",
"password": "passwd",
"keepalive": 60,
"parallel": 2,
"forwards": [
"subscription": [
"topic": "cmd/topic1",
"qos": 1
"topic": "cmd/topic2",
"qos": 2
Set Configuration
Set configure parameters for broker.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
req | Integer | Required | 12 | Request Code 12. |
seq | Integer | Required | unique | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
data | Object | Required | See Get Configuration [data](#Get Configuration). |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
seq | Integer | The seq is a unique number, response will carry this field. So you can know correspondence between request and response. |
rep | Integer | The rep equal 12 as response to req equal 12. |
$ curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cHVibGlj' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"req": 12,
"seq": 111,
"data": {
"url": "nmq-tcp://",
"num_taskq_thread": 10,
"max_taskq_thread": 10,
"parallel": 10,
"property_size": 32,
"msq_len": 64,
"allow_anonymous": true,
"daemon": false,
"tls": {
"enable": false,
"url": "tls+nmq-tcp://",
"key_password": null,
"key": null,
"cert": null,
"cacert": null,
"verify_peer": false,
"fail_if_no_peer_cert": false
"websocket": {
"enable": true,
"url": "nmq-ws://",
"tls_url": "nmq-wss://"
"http_server": {
"enable": true,
"port": 8081,
"username": "admin",
"password": "public",
"auth_type": "basic"
"bridge": {
"bridge_mode": true,
"address": "mqtt-tcp://",
"proto_ver": 4,
"clientid": "bridge_client",
"clean_start": true,
"username": "username",
"password": "passwd",
"keepalive": 60,
"parallel": 2,
"forwards": [
"subscription": [
"topic": "cmd/topic1",
"qos": 1
"topic": "cmd/topic2",
"qos": 2