Booting footprint is less than 200Kb in minimum feature set.
Parallelize computation for IoT & MQTT with built-in actor-model.
Scale-out easily to engage multiple cores with less CPU usage in the modern SMP system.
Achieve million-level TPS. Up to 10 times faster than Mosquitto on a multi-core CPU.
Highly compatible and portable with any POSIX based platform.
Transparent and customizable data flow. EdgeOps friendly.
docker run -d --name nanomq emqx/nanomq:latest
git clone cd nanomq ; git submodule update --init --recursive mkdir build && cd build ; cmake .. ; make
# Publish nanomq_cli pub --url <url> -t <topic> -m <message> [--help] # Subscribe nanomq_cli sub --url <url> -t <topic> [--help] # Connect nanomq_cli conn --url <url> [--help]
Fully support MQTT 5.0/3.1.1, Compatible with all standard open-source MQTT SDKs.
Bridging message from edge to multiple clouds. In-line connections to Global cloud services.
Preserve your business-critical data with built-in data persistence, and resume uploading automatically when the connection is restored.
Unlock the flexibility of data with a SQL-based rule engine. Integrates with eKuiper to bring stream processing to the edge.
Reduce the cost of integrating edge computing applications with event-driven WebHooks. Easy to maintain with EdgeOps friendly HTTP APIs.
Support multiple protocols such as ZeroMQ/nanomsg/NNG/WebSocket. Enabling flexible and diverse routing topology on edge with. Secure your IoT connections with TLS/SSL.
NanoMQ is small but mighty. It is fully featured and competes in every perspective despite the tiny size.
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