NanoMQ Broker provides HTTP APIs for integration with external systems, such as querying broker statistics information, clients information, subscribe topics information, and restart with new config file.
NanoMQ Broker's HTTP API service listens on port 8081 by default. You can modify the listening port through the configuration file of etc/nanomq.conf
. All API calls with api/v4
The previous version: HTTP-API (v1)
Interface security
NanoMQ Broker's HTTP API uses the method of Basic Authentication or JWT Authentication. The username
and password
must be filled. The default username
and password
are: admin/public
. You can modify username and password through the configuration file of etc/nanomq.conf
Response code
HTTP status codes
The NanoMQ Broker interface always returns 200 OK when the call is successful, and the response content is returned in JSON format.
The possible status codes are as follows:
Status Code | Description |
200 | Succeed, and the returned JSON data will provide more information |
400 | Invalid client request, such as wrong request body or parameters |
401 | Client authentication failed , maybe because of invalid authentication credentials |
404 | The requested path cannot be found or the requested object does not exist |
500 | An internal error occurred while the server was processing the request |
result codes
The response message body of the NanoMQ Broker interface is in JSON format, which always contains the returned code
The possible returned codes are as follows:
Return Code | Description |
0 | Succeed |
101 | RPC error |
102 | unknown mistake |
103 | wrong user name or password |
104 | Empty username or password |
105 | User does not exist |
106 | Administrator account cannot be deleted |
107 | Missing key request parameters |
108 | Request parameter error |
109 | Request parameters are not in legal JSON format |
110 | Plug-in is enabled |
111 | Plugin is closed |
112 | Client is offline |
113 | User already exists |
114 | Old password is wrong |
115 | Illegal subject |
116 | Token expired |
117 | Request parameters are not in legal HOCON format |
118 | Write config file failed |
API Endpoints
GET /api/v4
Return all Endpoints supported by NanoMQ Broker.
Parameters: NULL
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array | Endpoints list |
- data[0].path | String | Endpoint |
- data[0].name | String | Endpoint Name |
- data[0].method | String | HTTP Method |
- data[0].descr | String | Description |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4"
{"code":0,"data":[{"path":"/brokers/","name":"list_brokers","method":"GET","descr":"A list of brokers in the cluster"},{"path":"/nodes/","name":"list_nodes","method":"GET","descr":"A list of nodes in the cluster"},{"path":"/clients/","name":"list_clients","method":"GET","descr":"A list of clients on current node"},{"path":"/clients/:clientid","name":"lookup_client","method":"GET","descr":"Lookup a client in the cluster"},{"path":"/clients/username/:username","name":"lookup_client_via_username","method":"GET","descr":"Lookup a client via username in the cluster"},{"path":"/subscriptions/","name":"list_subscriptions","method":"GET","descr":"A list of subscriptions in the cluster"},{"path":"/subscriptions/:clientid","name":"lookup_client_subscriptions","method":"GET","descr":"A list of subscriptions of a client"},{"path":"/topic-tree/","name":"list_topic-tree","method":"GET","descr":"A list of topic-tree in the cluster"},{"path":"/configuration/","name":"get_broker_configuration","method":"GET","descr":"show broker configuration"},{"path":"/configuration/","name":"set_broker_configuration","method":"POST","descr":"set broker configuration"},{"path":"/ctrl/:action","name":"ctrl_broker","method":"POST","descr":"Control broker stop or restart"}]}
Broker Basic Information
GET /api/v4/brokers
Return basic information of NanoMQ Broker.
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | Returns the information of all nodes*(Only one node for NanoMQ)* |
data.datetime | String | Current time, in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm: ss" |
data.node_status | String | Node status |
data.sysdescr | String | Software description |
data.uptime | String | NanoMQ Broker runtime, in the format of "H hours, m minutes, s seconds" |
data.version | String | NanoMQ Broker version |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/brokers"
{"code":0,"data":[{"datetime":"2022-06-07 10:02:24","node_status":"Running","sysdescr":"NanoMQ Broker","uptime":"15 Hours, 1 minutes, 38 seconds","version":"0.7.9-3"}]}
GET /api/v4/nodes
Return the status of the node.
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object/Array of Objects | Returns information about all nodes in an Array |
data.connections | Integer | Number of clients currently connected to this node |
data.node_status | String | Node status |
data.uptime | String | NanoMQ Broker runtime |
data.version | String | NanoMQ Broker version |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/nodes"
{"code":0,"data":[{"connections":0,"node_status":"Running","uptime":"15 Hours, 22 minutes, 4 seconds","version":"0.8.1"}]}
Statistical information
GET /api/v4/metrics
Return statistical information of NanoMQ.
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
metrics | Object/Array of Objects | Unsupport now, (null) |
cpuinfo | Integer Percent | NanoMQ CPU usage |
memory | Integer | NanoMQ memory usage |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/metrics"
GET /api/v4/prometheus
Return Prometheus statistical information.
Success Response Body (text/plain):
Name | Type | Description |
nanomq_connections_count | gauge | Number of connections |
nanomq_connections_max | gauge | Maximum supported number of connections |
nanomq_sessions_count | gauge | Number of sessions |
nanomq_sessions_max | gauge | Maximum supported number of sessions |
nanomq_topics_count | gauge | Number of topics |
nanomq_topics_max | gauge | Maximum supported number of topics |
nanomq_subscribers_count | gauge | Number of subscribers |
nanomq_subscribers_max | gauge | Maximum supported number of subscribers |
nanomq_messages_received | counter | The counter of messages received |
nanomq_messages_sent | counter | The counter of messages sent |
nanomq_messages_dropped | counter | The counter of messages dropped |
nanomq_memory_usage | gauge | CPU Usage |
nanomq_memory_usage_max | gauge | Maximum CPU Usage |
nanomq_cpu_usage | gauge | Memory Usage |
nanomq_cpu_usage_max | gauge | Maximum memory Usage |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/prometheus"
# TYPE nanomq_connections_count gauge
# HELP nanomq_connections_count
nanomq_connections_count 0
# TYPE nanomq_connections_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_connections_max
nanomq_connections_max 0
# TYPE nanomq_sessions_count gauge
# HELP nanomq_sessions_count
nanomq_sessions_count 0
# TYPE nanomq_sessions_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_sessions_max
nanomq_sessions_max 0
# TYPE nanomq_topics_count gauge
# HELP nanomq_topics_count
nanomq_topics_count 0
# TYPE nanomq_topics_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_topics_max
nanomq_topics_max 0
# TYPE nanomq_subscribers_count gauge
# HELP nanomq_subscribers_count
nanomq_subscribers_count 0
# TYPE nanomq_subscribers_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_subscribers_max
nanomq_subscribers_max 0
# TYPE nanomq_messages_received counter
# HELP nanomq_messages_received
nanomq_messages_received 0
# TYPE nanomq_messages_sent counter
# HELP nanomq_messages_sent
nanomq_messages_sent 0
# TYPE nanomq_messages_dropped counter
# HELP nanomq_messages_dropped
nanomq_messages_dropped 0
# TYPE nanomq_memory_usage gauge
# HELP nanomq_memory_usage (b)
nanomq_memory_usage 19922944
# TYPE nanomq_memory_usage_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_memory_usage_max (b)
nanomq_memory_usage_max 19922944
# TYPE nanomq_cpu_usage gauge
# HELP nanomq_cpu_usage (%)
nanomq_cpu_usage 0.00
# TYPE nanomq_cpu_usage_max gauge
# HELP nanomq_cpu_usage_max (%)
nanomq_cpu_usage_max 0.00
GET /api/v4/clients
Multiple conditions are supported. The query parameters included are shown below.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | False | Client identifier |
username | String | False | Client username |
conn_state | Enum | False | The current connection status of the client, the possible values areconnected ,idle ,disconnected |
clean_start | Bool | False | Whether the client uses a new session |
proto_name | Enum | False | Client protocol name, the possible values areMQTT ,CoAP ,LwM2M ,MQTT-SN |
proto_ver | Integer | False | Client protocol version |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information for all clients |
data[0].clientid | String | Client identifier |
data[0].username | String | User name of client when connecting |
data[0].proto_name | String | Client protocol name*(MQTT,CoAP,LwM2M,MQTT-SN)* |
data[0].proto_ver | Integer | Protocol version used by the client |
data[0].connected | Boolean | Whether the client is connected |
data[0].keepalive | Integer | keepalive time, with the unit of second |
data[0].clean_start | Boolean | Indicate whether the client is using a brand new session |
data[0].recv_msg | Integer | Number of PUBLISH packets received |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients"
GET /api/v4/clients/{clientid}
Returns information for the specified client
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Client information, for details, see [GET /api/v4/clients](#GET /api/v4/clients) |
Query the specified client
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/nanomq-29978ec1"
GET /api/v4/clients/username/{username}
Query client information by Username. Since there may be multiple clients using the same user name, multiple client information may be returned at the same time.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | True | Username |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | Information about clients, for details, see [GET /api/v4/clients](#GET /api/v4/clients) |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/clients/username/user001"
Subscription Information
GET /api/v4/subscriptions
Multiple conditions queries are supported:
Name | Type | Description |
clientid | String | Client identifier |
topic | String | congruent query |
qos | Enum | Possible values are 0, 1, 2` |
share | String | Shared subscription group name |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All subscription information |
data[0].clientid | String | Client identifier |
data[0].topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data[0].qos | Integer | QoS level |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions"
GET /api/v4/subscriptions/{clientid}
Return the subscription information of the specified client in the Broker.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | ClientID |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Object | All subscription information |
data.clientid | String | Client identifier |
data.topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data.qos | Integer | QoS level |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/subscriptions/123"
Publish message
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish
Publish MQTT message。
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified | |
topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics separated by , . This field is used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
clientid | String | Optional | Client identifier (Default: NanoMQ-HTTP-Client) | |
payload | String | Required | Message body | |
encoding | String | Optional | plain | The encoding used in the message body. Currently only plain and base64 are supported. |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
retain | Boolean | Optional | false | Whether it is a retained message |
properties | Object | Optional | {} | The Properties of the PUBLISH message |
Name | Type | Description |
payload_format_indicator | Integer | 0 (0x00) Byte Indicates that the Payload is unspecified bytes, which is equivalent to not sending a Payload Format Indicator. 1 (0x01) Byte Indicates that the Payload is UTF-8 Encoded Character Data. The UTF-8 data in the Payload MUST be well-formed UTF-8 as defined by the Unicode specification and restated in RFC 3629 |
message_expiry_interval | integer | Identifier of the Message Expiry Interval. If the Message Expiry Interval has passed and the Server has not managed to start onward delivery to a matching subscriber, then it MUST delete the copy of the message for that subscriber |
response_topic | String | Identifier of the Response Topic.The Response Topic MUST be a UTF-8 Encoded, It MUST NOT contain wildcard characters. |
correlation_data | String | Identifier of the Correlation Data. The Server MUST send the Correlation Data unaltered to all subscribers receiving the Application Message |
subscription_identifier | Integer | Identifier of the Subscription Identifier. It can have the value of 1 to 268,435,455. It is a Protocol Error if the Subscription Identifier has a value of 0. Multiple Subscription Identifiers will be included if the publication is the result of a match to more than one subscription, in this case their order is not significant. |
content_type | String | The Content Type MUST be a UTF-8 Encoded String |
user_properties | Object | Identifier of the User Property. The Server send all User Properties unaltered in a PUBLISH packet when forwarding the Application Message to a Client |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish" -d \
'{"topic":"a/b/c", "payload":"Hello World", "qos":1, "retain":false, "clientid":"example", "properties": {"user_properties": { "id": 10010, "name": "emqx", "foo": "bar"}, "content_type": "text/plain"}}'
Subscribe to topic
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe (Unsupported now)
Subscribe to MQTT topic
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Optional | For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified | |
topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics separated by , . This field is used to subscribe to multiple topics at the same time | |
clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Subscribe to the three topics of a
, b
, c
at the same time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe" -d '{"topics":"a,b,c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe (Unsupported now)
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
topic | String | Required | Topic | |
clientid | String | Required | Client identifier |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Unsubscribe from a topic
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe" -d '{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}'
Message publish in batch
POST /api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch
Publish MQTT messages in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | Topic, at least one of which is specified with topics | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics divided by , , which can be used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
[0].clientid | String | Optional | Client identifier (Default: NanoMQ-HTTP-Client) | |
[0].payload | String | Required | Message body | |
[0].encoding | String | Optional | plain | The encoding method used in the message body, only plain and base64 are supported currently |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
[0].retain | Boolean | Optional | false | Whether it is a retained message or not |
[0].properties | Object | Optional | {} | The Properties of the PUBLISH message |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/publish_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World","qos":1,"retain":false,"clientid":"example","properties": {"user_properties":{"id": 10010, "name": "nanomq", "foo": "bar"}}},{"topic":"a/b/c","payload":"Hello World Again","qos":0,"retain":false,"clientid":"example","properties":{"user_properties": { "id": 10010, "name": "nanomq", "foo": "bar"},"content_type": "text/plain"}}]'
Topic subscription in batch
POST /api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch (Unsupported now)
Subscribe to MQTT topics in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Optional | Topic, at least one of which is specified with topics | |
[0].topics | String | Optional | Multiple topics divided by , , which can be used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | Client identifier | |
[0].qos | Integer | Optional | 0 | QoS level |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Subscribe to the three topics of a
, and c
at one time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/subscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"c","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}]'
POST /api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch (Unsupported now)
Unsubscribe in batch.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
[0].topic | String | Required | Topic | |
[0].clientid | String | Required | Client identifier |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Unsubscribe from a
topics at one time
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/mqtt/unsubscribe_batch" -d '[{"topic":"a","qos":1,"clientid":"example"},{"topic":"b","qos":1,"clientid":"example"}]'
Topic tree structure
GET /api/v4/topic-tree
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | |
data[0].clientid | Array of String | Array of client identifies |
data[0].topic | String | Subscribe to topic |
data[0].cld_cnt | Integer | Number of child node |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/topic-tree"
Get hot updatable configuration
GET /api/v4/reload
Return all configuration that can be hot updatable.
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data.property_size | Integer | Max size for a MQTT property. |
data.msq_len | Integer | Queue length for resending messages. |
data.qos_duration | Integer | The interval of the qos timer. |
data.allow_anonymous | Boolean | Allow anonymous login. |
data.max_packet_size | Kbytes | The max packet size of NanoMQ (Kbytes). |
data.client_max_packet_size | Kbytes | The default max packet size of each client. |
data.keepalive_backoff | Integer | The backoff for MQTT keepalive timeout. |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET '' -d \
"code": 0,
"data": {
"property_size": 64,
"max_packet_size": 3,
"client_max_packet_size": 5,
"msq_len": 2048,
"qos_duration": 10,
"keepalive_backoff": 1250,
"allow_anonymous": false
Hot update configuration
POST /api/v4/reload
Set configuration that can be hot updatable.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
data | Object | Required | See [Get hot updatable configuration](#Get hot updatable configuration)。 |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/reload' -d \
"data": {
"property_size": 64,
"max_packet_size": 3,
"client_max_packet_size": 5,
"msq_len": 2048,
"qos_duration": 10,
"keepalive_backoff": 1250,
"allow_anonymous": false
POST /api/v4/bridges/switch/:bridge
Turn on or off the target bridging channel. This will trigger a transport disconnect and a reconnect with a failed output. Then go into silent mode.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
data | Object | Required | true/false | only bridge_switch |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
As you got a bridge setting in config file with name : emqx1
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/bridges/switch/emqx1' -d \
"data": {
"bridge_switch": false
Update configuration file
POST /api/v4/config_update
Update config file.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Value | Description |
data | Object | Required | The transferred data content is a new configuration. You can refer to the configuration for details. |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl --basic -u admin:public -X POST "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/config_update" -d \
# NanoMQ Configuration 0.18.0
# #============================================================
# # NanoMQ Broker
# #============================================================
mqtt {
property_size = 32
max_packet_size = 10KB
max_mqueue_len = 2048
retry_interval = 10s
keepalive_multiplier = 1.25
# Three of below, unsupported now
max_inflight_window = 2048
max_awaiting_rel = 10s
await_rel_timeout = 10s
listeners.tcp {
bind = ""
# listeners.ssl {
# bind = ""
# keyfile = "/etc/certs/key.pem"
# certfile = "/etc/certs/cert.pem"
# cacertfile = "/etc/certs/cacert.pem"
# verify_peer = false
# fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
# } {
bind = ""
http_server {
port = 8081
limit_conn = 2
username = admin
password = public
auth_type = basic
jwt {
public.keyfile = "/etc/certs/jwt/"
log {
to = [file, console]
level = info
dir = "/tmp"
file = "nanomq.log"
rotation {
size = 10MB
count = 5
auth {
allow_anonymous = true
no_match = allow
deny_action = ignore
cache = {
max_size = 32
ttl = 1m
# password = {include "/etc/nanomq_pwd.conf"}
# acl = {include "/etc/nanomq_acl.conf"}
Get bridges configuration
GET /api/v4/bridges/
Get all nodes configuration of bridges
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | All configuration of bridges' node |
data.bridges.nodes[0].name | String | Node name |
data.bridges.nodes[0].enable | Boolean | Enter MQTT bridge mode (default false ). |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.server | String | Remote Broker address. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.proto_ver | Boolean | MQTT client version(4|5). |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.clientid | String | MQTT client identifier. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.keepalive | Integer | Interval of keepalive. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.clean_start | Boolean | Clean session. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.username | String | Login user name. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.password | String | Login password. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.conn_properties | Object | MQTT V5 Property of Connector (see table below) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.ssl.enable | Boolean | Launch TLS ( default false)。 |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.ssl.key_password | String | String containing the user's password. only used if the private keyfile is password-protected. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.ssl.keyfile | String | User's private PEM-encoded key. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.ssl.certfile | String | User certificate data. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].connector.ssl.cacertfile | String | User's PEM-encoded CA certificates. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_keepalive | Duration | Interval of a sending keepalive packet via QUIC transport., (default 120s ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_idle_timeout | Duration | How long a connection can go idle before it is gracefully shut down. 0 to disable timeout, which may lost disconnect event msg. (default 120s ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_discon_timeout | Duration | How long to wait for an ACK before declaring a path dead and disconnecting, This affects stream living time.(default 20s ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_handshake_timeout | Duration | The Max time NanoMQ waits for establishing QUIC connection(default 60s ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].hybrid_bridging | Boolean | Hybrid bridging: enable or disable the hybrid bridging mode,(default: false ), recommend to enable it when you want to take advantage of QUIC |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_send_idle_timeout | Duration | Reset congestion control after being idle SendIdleTimeout (default 60s ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_initial_rtt_ms | Duration | Initial RTT estimate. (ms) (default: 800ms ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_max_ack_delay_ms | Duration | How long to wait after receiving data before sending an ACK. (default: 100ms ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_qos_priority | Boolean | Send QoS 1/2 msg in high prority. (default: true ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].quic_0rtt | Boolean | 0RTT is a feature of QUIC to re-establish connection quickly. . (default: true ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].multi_stream | Boolean | Multiple stream option,(default false ) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].parallel | Long | Parallel of mqtt client. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].forwards[0].remote_topic | String | First forward remote_topics. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].forwards[0].local_topic | String | First forward remote_topics. |
data.bridges.nodes[0].subscription[0].remote_topic | String | First remote_topic . |
data.bridges.nodes[0].subscription[0].local_topic | String | First local_topic . |
data.bridges.nodes[0].subscription[0].qos | Integer | First Qos . |
data.bridges.nodes[0].sub_properties | Object | MQTT V5 Property of Subscription (see table below) |
data.bridges.nodes[0].max_send_queue_len | Integer | Maximum number of message send queue length |
data.bridges.nodes[0].max_recv_queue_len | Integer | Maximum number of message receive queue length |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/bridges"
"code": 0,
"data": {
"bridge": {
"nodes": [
"name": "emqx",
"enable": true,
"parallel": 2,
"connector": {
"server": "mqtt-tcp://",
"proto_ver": 5,
"clientid": null,
"clean_start": true,
"username": "",
"password": "",
"keepalive": 60,
"conn_properties": {
"session_expiry_interval": 30,
"receive_maximum": 65535,
"maximum_packet_size": 0,
"topic_alias_maximum": 0,
"request_response_information": false,
"request_problem_information": true
"will_properties": {
"payload_format_indicator": 0,
"message_expiry_interval": 360,
"will_delay_interval": 20,
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
"forwards": [
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic1",
"local_topic": "topic1",
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic2",
"local_topic": "topic2",
"subscription": [
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic1",
"local_topic": "topic1",
"qos": 1
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic2",
"local_topic": "topic2",
"qos": 2
"sub_properties": {
"identifier": 1,
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
"tls": {
"enable": false,
"url": null,
"key_password": null,
"key": null,
"cert": null,
"cacert": null,
"verify_peer": false,
"fail_if_no_peer_cert": false
GET /api/v4/bridges/{bridge_name}
Returns configuration for the specified bridge node.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bridge_name | String | True | bridge node name |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
data | Array of Objects | for details, see [GET /api/v4/bridges](#GET /api/v4/bridges/) |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X GET "http://localhost:8081/api/v4/bridges/emqx"
"code": 0,
"data": {
"bridge": {
"nodes": [
"name": "emqx",
"enable": true,
"parallel": 2,
"connector": {
"server": "mqtt-tcp://",
"proto_ver": 5,
"clientid": null,
"clean_start": true,
"username": "",
"password": "",
"keepalive": 60,
"conn_properties": {
"session_expiry_interval": 30,
"receive_maximum": 65535,
"maximum_packet_size": 0,
"topic_alias_maximum": 0,
"request_response_information": false,
"request_problem_information": true
"will_properties": {
"payload_format_indicator": 0,
"message_expiry_interval": 360,
"will_delay_interval": 20,
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
"forwards": [
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic1",
"local_topic": "topic1",
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic2",
"local_topic": "topic2",
"subscription": [
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic1",
"local_topic": "topic1",
"qos": 1
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic2",
"local_topic": "topic2",
"qos": 2
"sub_properties": {
"identifier": 1,
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
"tls": {
"enable": false,
"url": null,
"key_password": null,
"key": null,
"cert": null,
"cacert": null,
"verify_peer": false,
"fail_if_no_peer_cert": false
Update bridge configuration
PUT /api/v4/bridges/{bridge_name}
update bridge configuration dynamically, and trigger a reconnection to valid it. (This API works for TCP/TLS & QUIC bridging)
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bridge_name | String | True | bridge node name |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
bridge_name | Objects | name of bridging node | | String | Node name |
bridge_name.enable | Boolean | MQTT bridge mode (default false ). |
bridge_name.server | String | Remote Broker address. |
bridge_name.proto_ver | Integer | MQTT client version(4|5) |
bridge_name.clientid | String | MQTT client identifier. |
bridge_name.keepalive | Duration | Interval of keepalive. |
bridge_name.clean_start | Boolean | Clean session flag. |
bridge_name.username | String | Login user name. |
bridge_name.password | String | Login password. |
bridge_name.conn_properties | Object | MQTT V5 Property |
bridge_name.will_properties | Object | MQTT V5 Property of will message |
bridge_name.ssl.enable | Boolean | Launch TLS |
bridge_name.ssl.key_password | String | String containing the user's password. only used if the private keyfile is password-protected. |
bridge_name.ssl.keyfile | String | User's private PEM-encoded key. |
bridge_name.ssl.certfile | String | User certificate data. |
bridge_name.ssl.cacertfile | String | User's PEM-encoded CA certificates. |
bridge_name.parallel | Long | number of Parallel processor of mqtt client. |
bridge_name.forwards[0].remote_topic | String | No.x forward remote_topic. |
bridge_name.forwards[0].local_topic | String | No.x forward local_topic. |
bridge_name.subscription[0].remote_topic | String | No.x subscribe remote_topic . |
bridge_name.subscription[0].local_topic | String | No.x subscribe local_topic . |
bridge_name.subscription[0].qos | Integer | No.x subscribe Qos . |
bridge_name.sub_properties | Object | MQTT V5 Property of Subscription (see table below) |
bridge_name.max_send_queue_len | Integer | Maximum number of message send queue length |
bridge_name.max_recv_queue_len | Integer | Maximum number of message receive queue length |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X PUT 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/bridges/emqx' -d '{
"emqx": {
"name": "emqx",
"enable": true,
"parallel": 8,
"server": "mqtt-tcp://",
"proto_ver": 4,
"clientid": "hello3",
"clean_start": true,
"username": "emqx",
"password": "emqx123",
"keepalive": 60,
"forwards": [
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic1",
"local_topic": "local/topic1"
"remote_topic": "fwd/topic3",
"local_topic": "local/topic3"
"subscription": [
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic1",
"local_topic": "local/topic1",
"qos": 1
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic3",
"local_topic": "local/topic3",
"qos": 2
Returning 108 may be due to one of the following two reasons:
Incorrect specification of the "name" parameter in the URL. A naming error in the JSON. For example, in the above example, the "emqx" in the JSON does not match the "emqx" name in the URL. Returning 109 is because the JSON data is invalid.
PUT /api/v4/bridges/sub/{bridge_name}
Dynamically change the subscription Topics of bridging connection. (works for both TCP & QUIC)
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bridge_name | String | True | bridge node name |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | Integer | 0 | |
data | Objects | bridge node name | |
data.subscription[0].remote_topic | String | subscription remote_topic | |
data.subscription[0].local_topic | String | subscription local_topic | |
data.subscription[0].qos | Integer | subscription QoS | |
data.sub_properties | Object | Subscription MQTT V5 property | |
data.sub_properties.identifier | Integer | Subscription id | |
data.sub_properties.user_properties | Object | Subscription user property |
Take bridge name = EMQX as an example
$ curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cHVibGlj' \
--data '{
"data": {
"subscription": [
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic4",
"local_topic": "topic4",
"qos": 1
"remote_topic": "cmd/topic5",
"local_topic": "topic5",
"qos": 2
"sub_properties": {
"identifier": 1,
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
PUT /api/v4/bridges/unsub/{bridge_name}
Dynamically change the subscription Topics of bridging connection. (works for both TCP & QUIC)
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
bridge_name | String | True | bridge node name |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | Integer | 0 | |
data | Objects | bridge node name | |
data.unsubscription[0].topic | String | subscription topic | |
data.unsubscription[0].qos | Integer | subscription QoS | |
data.unsub_properties | Object | Subscription MQTT V5 property | |
data.unsub_properties.identifier | Integer | Subscription id | |
data.unsub_properties.user_properties | Object | Subscription user property |
$ curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cHVibGlj' \
--data '{
"data": {
"unsubscription": [
"topic": "cmd/topic1"
"topic": "cmd/topic2"
"unsub_properties": {
"user_properties": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
Broker Control
POST /api/v4/ctrl/{action}
Stop or Restart the NanoMQ Broker(Usually used after the configuration is modified).
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clientid | String | True | Possible values are stop , restart |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
$ curl -i --basic -u admin:public -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/ctrl/restart'
Query rule engine actions
GET /api/v4/rules/
Get rule list, including the rule's SQL, id, etc.
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
enabled | Boolean | Filter condition: whether the rule is enabled or not |
data | Array of Objects | rule detail |
data[0].id | String | Rule ID |
data[0].rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
GET /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Get the details of a rule, including the rule's SQL, id , etc.Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rule_id | String | False | Optional, Rule ID. If rule_id is not specified then returns all created rules in an array |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
enabled | Boolean | Filter condition: whether the rule is enabled or not |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
POST /api/v4/rules
Create a rule and return the rule ID.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | SQL statements of rules |
actions | Array | True | Action list |
- actions[0].name | String | True | Action name (include repub, mysql, sqlite) |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | Action parameters, that is expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the example of adding rules |
description | String | False | Optional, rule description |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
enabled | Boolean | Filter condition: whether the rule is enabled or not |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
PUT /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Update the rule and return the rule ID.
Parameters (json):
Name | Type | Required | Description |
rawsql | String | True | Optional, SQL statement of the rule |
actions | Array | True | Optional, action list |
- actions[0].name | String | True | Optional, action name |
- actions[0].params | Object | True | Optional, action parameters, that is expressed in key-value form. For details, please refer to the example of adding rules |
description | String | False | Optional, rule description |
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
enabled | Boolean | Filter condition: whether the rule is enabled or not |
data | Object | Rule object |
- | String | Rule ID |
- data.rawsql | String | SQL statement, consistent with rawsql in the request |
DELETE /api/v4/rules/{rule_id}
Delete the rule
Parameters: None
Success Response Body (JSON):
Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | 0 |
Add a rule to print the rule running parameters for all messages matching the topic "t/a".
$ curl -XPOST -d '{
"rawsql": "select * from \"t/a\"",
"actions": [{
"name": "repub",
"params": {
"topic": "repub1", "address":"mqtt-tcp://", "clean_start": "true", "clientid": "id", "username": "admin", "password": "public", "proto_ver": 4, "keepalive": 60
"description": "repub-rule"
}' --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","id":4,"enabled":true},"actions":[],"code":0}
Use the rule ID to get the details of the rule just created:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:4'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","id":1,"enabled":true},"actions":[],"code":0}
Get all the rules. Note that the data in the returned value is an array of rule objects:
$ curl --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules'
{"data":[{"rawsql":"SELECT payload.x.y as y, payload.z as z FROM \"#\" WHERE y > 10 and z != 'str'","id":1,"enabled":true},{"rawsql":"SELECT * FROM \"abc\"","id":2,"enabled":true},{"rawsql":"SELECT payload, qos FROM \"#\" WHERE qos > 0","id":3,"enabled":true},{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/a\"","id":4,"enabled":true}],"code":0}
Update the SQL statement of the rule to select * from "t/b"
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:4' -d '{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\""}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","id":4,"enabled":true},"actions":[],"code":0}
Disable the rule:
$ curl -XPUT --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:4' -d '{"enabled": false}'
{"data":{"rawsql":"select * from \"t/b\"","id":4,"enabled":false},"actions":[],"code":0}
Delete the rule:
$ curl -XDELETE --basic -u admin:public 'http://localhost:8081/api/v4/rules/rule:4'