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MQTT Data Bridges

Bridging is a way to connect multiple MQTT brokers. Unlike swarms, topic trees, and routing tables are not replicated between nodes operating in bridge mode.

  • Forward the message to the bridge node according to the rules;
  • Subscribe to the topic from the bridge node, and forward the message to this node/group after collecting the message.

This section introduces MQTT over TCP bridge, MQTT over QUIC bridge, and AWS IoT Core Bridge.

MQTT over TCP Bridging

This section provides an in-depth guide to configuring MQTT over TCP bridging, explaining the primary configuration parameters and demonstrating a typical nanomq.conf file setup. It also introduces how to run NanoMQ with a specified configuration file and test bridging to ensure its successful implementation.

MQTT over QUIC Bridging

In cases where integration with MQTT over TCP bridging is hard to implement, NanoMQ has innovatively introduced a new protocol, MQTT over QUIC. QUIC, initially developed by Google, was later adopted as a worldwide standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). With MQTT over QUIC bridging, you can take full advantage of the QUIC protocol's benefits in IoT scenarios.

AWS IoT Core Bridging

AWS IoT Core is one of the widely used public cloud IoT services in Europe and the United States. However, because it is not fully aligned with the standard MQTT protocol and does not support QoS 2 messages, standard MQTT SDKs are not seamlessly compatible. AWS IoT Core bridging is now built into NanoMQ to help users address compatibility issues.