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Enable the MQTT STREAM through the configuration file

In this section, we will describe how to enable MQTT streams by configuring the nanomq.conf configuration file.

Since 0.23.0, The MQTT stream of NanoMQ is a value add-on feature for commercial customer. Please contact us if you need a light-weight Messaging queue data persistence.


Here is a simple example MQTT STREAM configuration.

exchange_client.mq1 {
	# # exchanges contains multiple MQ exchanger
	exchange {
		# # MQTT Topic for filtering messages and saving to queue
		topic = "exchange/topic1",
		# # MQ name
		name = "exchange_no1",
		# # MQ category. Only support Ringbus for now
		ringbus = {
			# # ring buffer name
			name = "ringbus",
			# # max length of ring buffer (msg count)
			cap = 1000,
			fullOp = 3
  • exchange_client: The client hosting the exchange.
  • exchange: It is used to receive a specific topic message and put the message data into ringbus.
  • ringbus: For storing mqtt messages, its capacity can be set, and it also provides fullOp, which is the behavior when the ringbus is full.
    • cap: ringbus capacity size.
    • fullOp: Four behaviors are currently provided when the ringbus is full.
          0: RB_FULL_NONE: When the ringbus is full, no action is taken and the message enqueue fail.
          1: RB_FULL_DROP: When the ringbus is full, the data in the ringbus is discarded.
          2: RB_FULL_RETURN: When the ringbus is full, the data in the ringbus is taken out and returned to the aio.
          3: RB_FULL_FILE(Relying on parquet): When the ringbus is full, the data in the ringbus is written to the file.
      Note: If fullOp=3 you need to enable PARQUET compilation and configure parquet in nanomq.conf.
      # Enable PARQUET compile options
      cmake -DENABLE_PARQUET=ON ../
      # Configure parquet in nanomq.conf
      parquet {
          compress = gzip
          encryption {
              key_id = kf
              key = "0123456789012345"
              type = AES_GCM_CTR_V1
          dir = "/tmp/nanomq-parquet"
          file_name_prefix = "nanomq-parquet-"
          file_count = 5

Testing the MQTT STREAM

This is followed by an example of fullOp of 3 for ringbus to test the offloading capability of mqtt stream. (Remember to enable parquet compile).

  1. Configuration
exchange_client.mq1 {
	# # exchanges contains multiple MQ exchanger
	exchange {
		# # MQTT Topic for filtering messages and saving to queue
		topic = "topic1",
		# # MQ name
		name = "exchange_no1",
		# # MQ category. Only support Ringbus for now
		ringbus = {
			# # ring buffer name
			name = "ringbus",
			# # max length of ring buffer (msg count)
			cap = 10000,
			fullOp = 3
parquet {
    compress = gzip
    encryption {
        key_id = kf
        key = "0123456789012345"
        type = AES_GCM_CTR_V1
    dir = "/tmp/nanomq-parquet"
    file_name_prefix = "nanomq-parquet-"
    file_count = 5
  1. Start NanoMQ
nanomq start --conf=/etc/nanomq.conf
  1. Publish mqtt messages mqtt messages are sent using emqtt_bench
emqtt_bench pub -p 1883 -i 1 -I 1 -c 1 -s 10 -t "topic1" -V 5 -L 30005
  1. The NanoMQ log NanoMQ prints a log to indicate that the disk write was successful.
ringbuffer_parquet_cb: ringbus: parquet write to file: /tmp/nanomq-parquet/nanomq-parquet--79060194635079892~370618470429406089.parquet success
ringbuffer_parquet_cb: ringbus: parquet write to file: /tmp/nanomq-parquet/nanomq-parquet--370618474724373386~375711962341231626.parquet success
ringbuffer_parquet_cb: ringbus: parquet write to file: /tmp/nanomq-parquet/nanomq-parquet--375711966636198923~380805454253057163.parquet success
  1. File storage path