A formal release + bug-fix of 0.22.8
- QoS msg retry of bridging.
- Support message expiry in locale MQTTv5 messaging
- Fix #1883
- Fix # 1879 #1871, wait for further feedback.
- Fix msg retry logic
2024.10.10 release it again to wrap some bug fix in
What's Changed in NanoMQ
- FIX [sub_handler] fix wildcard with shared subscription #1883 by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1888
- MDF [version] advance version number by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1889
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1887
- Release again by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1890
- FIX [bridge] fix a unexpected free if no suffix/prefix/local_topic … by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1891
- ci(build_packages): dump uploda artifact and download artifact version by @Rory-Z in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1893
- ci(docker): add latest tag for other tag by @Rory-Z in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1894
- MDF [version] advance version again for devops reason by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1895
- ci(docker): set latest tag to alpine by @Rory-Z in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1896
- 5th release of 0.22.8 =_= by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1904
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/pull/1887
Full Changelog: https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/compare/0.22.7...0.22.8
Full Changelog: https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/compare/0.22.6...0.22.8
What's Changed in NanoNNG
- re-enable qos msg retry by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/NanoNNG/pull/1053
- For https://github.com/nanomq/nanomq/issues/1871 by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/NanoNNG/pull/1058
- To enable msg retransmission after the connection is restored. by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/NanoNNG/pull/1060
- Several fix & support msg expiry interval by @JaylinYu in https://github.com/nanomq/NanoNNG/pull/1061
Full Changelog: https://github.com/nanomq/NanoNNG/compare/0.22.6...0.22.8