NanoMQ v0.7.0 更新日志

NanoMQ 0.7.0 changelog:

  1. New MQTT V5 features: (Topic alias & Subscription Identifier & Retain As Published & Retain handling)
  2. New Data persistence database: SQLite3 as data persistence option for QoS message.
  3. New feature for bridging connection: the bridging client will store QoS message in SQLite if the ACK is missing.
  4. New nng/ZeroMQ messaging proxy: convert message between nanomsg/nng(Pub/Sub & Pair1/Pair0) or ZeroMQ (Pub/Sub) to MQTT bidirectional.
  5. Demo version of MQTT WebHook.
  6. Fix MQTT v5 compatibility in TLS/WEbsocket port.
  7. Optimize the zero-copy feature.
  8. Fix other minor bugs.

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